07 December 2008

Background / Mt. of Olives

After years promoting “Har Eitan, Makom Shalom”, I moved from West Jerusalem to East Jerusalem to learn firsthand the joys, challenges, rewards and complexities residing there. I even bought a penthouse apartment on the top of the Mt. of Olives with one of the best views available of Jerusalem and the Dome of the Rock.
(my apartment is the one below the new, wooden structure)

sunrise on "the Mt. of Strength the Place of Peace"

Then as an American Israeli, with a deep love of the Bible, a profound appreciation for my Jewish identity, as well as a philosophical, mystical curiosity; I made my way to Saudi Arabia for the Hajj. You see, I am also a peace loving Sufi, promoting wholistic health, interfaith understanding and cooperation.

Shortly after I returned from Mecca and Medina, I got engaged to a Peruvian woman. While I was abroad for my wedding and honeymoon, my ex business partner Mohammad “Mike” Abu El Hawa sold my apartment (without our permission). As a result, our home was quickly occupied by Jewish settlers and Abu El Hawa was murdered.

Obviously we would like to get our apartment back and to be fairly compensated; more importantly however, we would like to utilize these circumstances to promote peace, human rights, and sustainable development throughout Jerusalem. We would like to transform our apartment into a “Mystical Interfaith Museum” as soon as possible; more importantly, we would like to see the implementation of reasonable and compassionate strategies to share the Old City and the Mt. of Olives, in order to bridge the gaps between East and West Jerusalem, between Arabs and Jews and between many nation states.

Hopefully these ideas will help us to help the States of Israel and Ishmael work together to establish long term, responsible peace and security.

There is a new day dawning politically, economically and spiritually. With mutual cooperation, it may be a bright and beautiful day for all of us to see and enjoy.
Please feel free to share your thoughts, feelings, questions and comments about these ideas.

My email address is: inONEspirit@gmail.com

Daniel Mark

(sunrise over the Mt. of Olives)

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