12 January 2009


For personal and/or political reasons the vast majority of the comments received so far prefer to remain anonymous for the time being.

For the sake of brainstorming
and hopefully to stimulate thoughts, questions and comments,
some of the ideas are listed here:

"I read and reread your Jerusalem Home and Garden plan several times. I noticed the addditions you made in January were all, except Thoreau, assassinated. Not by the ostensible "enemy" but from someone within their own constituency. Where is the real threat. From within ourselves? Do we, the Israelis, seem at peace with ourselves? with our families? with each other? Do they, our neighbors, seem at peace with themselves, with their families, with each other? This is the raw material out of which any proposed peace process must be built. And look at what there is (or is not) to work with. With all the 'benefits' touted by religion, whether Islam, Christianity, Judaism or Hinduism, this is what is the bottom line. Reminds me of God looking down before the flood, seeing into man's heart and deciding to destroy the whole shebang. Eventually he sent the Rainbow as a sign..."

"While most news you receive from the Holy Land in the aftermath of the Gaza war is awful, the peacemakers continue their work, invisible to the eyes of the world. This has been a difficult time, the gap of mistrust and anger between the Israelis and Palestinians is as wide as ever. In the face of all of this though, we have deepened our commitment to work for peace."

"I checked out your blog and appreciated reading it and your enthusiasm. I trust the right people will read it. I sent the info to a news reporter, who told me to inform him the next time you visit."

"I read your plan for Jerusalem. Beautiful. I will do all I can to transform Jerusalem to a garden of peace for all."

"Your idea is great and creative. I hope the people in charge can appreciate it."

"very interesting, sounds like great ideas to me.... lets get to it. Thanks for sharing!"

"Just a short message now to what merits many comments. Congratulations for your new blog and long developing plans! I guess this reflects your MIT (entry) which seems to dovetail beautifully with the proposal I made. We should get (our) blogs linked!"

"Lots happening in the energetic field and it is timely. What was once not even conceived as being possible is now so...shine your light my friend. Shine it brightly so that we can all see and support you and those of you who are out there doing the work of God"

"Thanks for this. The most recent war on Gaza hit me hard. Your email is definitely very timely"

"This is a nice plan, which in order to work will require considerable cooperation and compromise from both sides…Its almost like turning what you are calling the “Home & Garden” into a neutral territory like Vatican City. Maybe that’s the answer... I see a Nobel Prize in your future."

"your idea of sharing Jerusalem is wonderful. The situation in Israel now is so tense, I don't see how people will be able to share anything."

"Writing you back to say NICE JOB of saving sacred land! If you need any warriors in the future by all means let me know. The future is right now and it's high time we fight for Pacha Mama. again, Daniel, way to go."

"(Maybe you should be) running for (Israeli) Prime Minster"

"I think your ideas are on the 'right track' (especially) in terms of greening out the conflict"

Please feel free to add your comments as we go along...


yehoshanah said...

I love the idea of a home and garden analogy. Cooperation of (and lets call them by names that affirm positive identities) Israel and Ishmael, would be a stand for peace and a historically awaited brotherhood. A university for cultural understanding... can't wait to hear more - this should be very interesting for all those visitors and for remote viewing too.

Unknown said...

This is an awesome statement and possible dream to create.
The fact that it can happen makes it even more powerful.
I love the university for cultural understanding, the gardens, the ecotourism possibilities, but it's what we give back to the children that will count for what happens in the future.
Thank you for shining your light, and we will support by shining ours and sharing it with more and more until the dark is cast aside. arohanui Atarangi.